Denver Volunteer Opportunities

Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
AmeriCorps Seniors-RSVP is a national service program which works to match volunteers, age 55+ with Volunteers of America Colorado Programs plus 30 non-profits in Denver, Douglas, and Western Arapahoe counties. You can use the skills and talents you have learned over the years or develop new ones while serving in a variety of volunteer activities within our community.

Foster Grandparent Program
Foster Grandparents are 55 or older, live on fixed incomes and enjoy working with children. Foster Grandparents volunteer in in Early Childhood Education, elementary schools, Boys and Girls Clubs, and other youth facilities.The Foster Grandparent Program focuses on literacy (pre-reading and reading skills) and numeracy (pre-math and math skills) for children from 6 weeks to 12 years old.

General Opportunities
VOA Colorado in Denver offers a wide range of opportunities, from delivering meals to older adults, sorting food that is distributed to local food banks, assisting older adults with yard cleanup—the opportunities are endless. Use the sign up below and our volunteer coordinator can help you find the right fit.