Toni Hunter, associate director of VOA Colorado’s Mission, describes the facility in two simple words: “holistic and transformational.”
Located at 2877 Lawrence Street in Denver’s RiNo District, the Mission is a daytime center for people in the community experiencing homelessness. The program provides clients with food, basic hygiene products, clothing, job training, employment assistance, spiritual guidance, referrals, and a comforting place for relaxation and refreshment.
Recently the Mission began providing dog food for clients’ pets, as well. According to Hunter this is a vitally important addition as many people needing help might not seek or receive assistance if they had to leave their canine companions behind.
Each day an interdenominational church service is provided to uplift the downtrodden and meet the spiritual needs of those with little hope.
The Mission’s two referral-based programs round out the offerings. It’s Rapid Rehousing + Care program is designed to help people obtain permanent housing and is supported by case management and short-term financial assistance. The goal, as is the Mission’s overall, is to stabilize of a person’s living situation. This offering is for people who are chronically homeless, which is defined as being homeless for at least a year or four times in three years, or someone who is homeless with a disabling condition. The other, the Colorado Rapid Rehousing For Reentery Program is for people with a criminal justice involvement background coupled with a substance abuse or behavioral health concern. The Reentry Program also offers case management and short-term financial assistance.
“The Mission is an example of the power of relationships,” Hunter said. “It is a safe place where people can connect and feel seen. It’s a peaceful and calm place. It provides an opportunity for people in challenging situations to take ownership, find support, and start to make changes in their lives for the better.”