“When you look up in the sky at night, it’s dark. But there are also stars that shine light. Be a star; be a light in someone’s life.” These simple but profound words come from one of VOA of Colorado’s brightest volunteers! Kevin MacCary is retired military, a former board member, and a super active volunteer.
Kevin’s involvement with VOA Colorado dates back over 15 years. From the very beginning, he says that he could not believe how organized the organization was. “The leadership, the staff…they all do so much, and the amazing thing is that they do it all so well.”
Over the years, as a board member and now as a devoted volunteer, Kevin has been a part of several different VOA Colorado programs. He has worked with seniors, kids, and more.
“From the start, I wanted to experience as much of what VOA does as possible,” he explains. “I want to be hands-on. I started and then I just kept wanting to do more.”
“More” for this full-of-energy and compassion man means helping with the kids in the Camp POSTCARD and delivering meals through the Meals on Wheels program. As is often the case, the experiencing of offering up time and heart benefits the volunteer as much as the recipient.
Kevin says that volunteering enriches his life and gives him purpose. “It’s what I need to do,” he says. “I want to know that my seniors are going to eat every day, I want them to know that they are important.
“I’m retired and I don’t play checkers that well,” he says with a laugh. “Volunteering for VOA Colorado is what I need to do and it gives meaning to my life.”